True Grit: Then and Now
My You Tube Video, “True Grit :: Then and Now,” has become popular and I’m frequently asked how and where I found all those movie locations 40 years later. Well, now you can find out! Retrace my steps and see where the Duke filmed his famous scenes!
Much of the 1969 western “True Grit” was filmed in the San Juan Mountains of Colorado and the movie lead to John Wayne’s only Academy Award. The amazing natural scenery of Colorado’s southwest corner was a huge part of the film. I happen to spend a lot of time down there, and after stumbling across a few of the filming locations, I decided to create a “Then and Now” video highlighting the locations from the movie, and what they look like today. Who knew it would be a You Tube hit?
The Ross Ranch
The Ross Ranch is located on Last Dollar Road, which can be found off Highway 62, which runs from Ridgway to Telluride. The cutoff for Last Dollar Road, if you’re traveling from Ridgway, is past the Dallas Divide, and on the left. There’s a sign at the intersection, so you won’t miss it. (GPS: lat=38.0834180156, lon=-107.924766506).
Travel this road until you reach a fork. A road sign shows Last Dollar Road turns off to the left (and it will take you on a spectacular journey through aspen groves and over mountain passes to Telluride), but if you stay right, you will immediately see the Ross Ranch up ahead on your right (it’s set back off the road though). You can pull into a short parking area, jump the fence and trespass in order to go up to the houses…or you can drive a bit further up the road and look back for a nice view and photo opportunities. It’s private land, so be sneaky about it, if you decide to hop the fence! I’ve been told by locals that MANY people hop that fence to get a closer view, so I wouldn’t worry too much about it. If you want to recreate the shot from t he first frame of the movie, it will require a bit of a climb to the top of a hill overlooking the houses. This is where the cemetery scene was shot, but nothing remains up there now, except for cow pies. Also, in the summer, cattle are often grazing on this hill.
McAlester’s Store
Since this location is close to Last Dollar Road, it’s best to do these two locations at the same time. Also located off Highway 62, and just a few miles further up the road from the Last Dollar Road cutoff, is the road you need to take to go to the McAllester’s Store location. This area is called Horsefly Mesa. This road is a little tricky to describe how to get to, since I’ve never seen any road names on it. But, basically, from the Last Dollar Road cutoff, continue on Highway 62 a few more miles until you see a road cut off on your right. There are only a few roads that go to the right, so that helps to narrow it down a bit. You’ll see a cutoff to your right and the road takes an immediate sharp cut up and to the right. There will be a private residence to your right and then immediately after that, you’ll see a private driveway on your left with a huge ranch sign and gate. If you see those two things, you know you’re on the right road!
You’ll continue on this dirt road with aspens on both sides and finally you will round off to the left and come into a clearing and the views open up behind you. Up on your left, you’ll see a clearing and a crumbling old homestead. That’s the homestead that is behind John when he first rides up to the store. Turn in here (GPS: lat=38° 6’56.79″N, lon=107°57’37.34″W) and park near the homestead and you can rummage around. This is where you’ll find the old hitchin’ post and the planks on the ground. If you continue through the trees, you’ll discover an old corral back near the fence line.
The Lone Pine Tree
This is the pine tree that is behind Rooster, La Boeuf and Mattie as they ride their horses down a “trail.” the trail is actually this same dirt road you’ve been traveling on to get to McAlester’s store. Once you pull back onto the road from the McAlester’s Store location, head back the way you came (heading back to Highway 62) and you will immediately see the lone pine tree on your right around the 1-mile marker. (GPS: lat=38° 6’55.90″N, lon=107°57’36.41″W). You can’t miss it; it’s the only pine tree in a grove of aspen.
Deb’s Meadow (Shootout Field)
The famous shootout scene at the end of the movie was filled in Deb’s Meadow, near the summit of Owl Creek Pass. From Ridgway, travel toward Montrose on U.S. Highway 550 and turn right on County Road 10 (GPS: lat=38°10’25.86″N, lon=107°44’30.97″W). Follow the signs for Owl Creek Pass; you will pass through many ranches and private residences along this dirt road. The views are spectacular and just keep getting better as Courthouse Mountain and Chimney Peak (featured prominently in the shootout scene) come into view. It’s about 13 miles from the Highway 550 cutoff to the summit of Owl Creek Pass, and Deb’s Meadow is on the left, about a quarter of a mile before you reach the summit. You can’t miss it though…as you near the summit you will complete a very loopy switchback and curve back to the left. Right after you complete this switchback, you will see a large field on the left with a turn in (GPS: lat=38° 9’43.40″N, lon=107°34’4.21″W). Park and get ready to relive the scene that was made famous by the line, “Fill your hands, you son of a bitch!”
As you walk down the faint trail that threads through the center of the field, look to your left and head toward the large boulder. This is the rock the Duke was next to when he and his horse was shot. Looking up, you’ll Chimney Peak, which is what was above Robert Duvall’s head when he first entered the field. In summer, the field will be covered in Corn Lilies and can also be a bit swampy.
If you go back to the turn in, and face the road, to your left you will hear and see a small stream. This is the stream they camped next to. Follow the stream through the trees and you’ll find their streamside camping place.
Sleeping Rock
The rock that Mattie slept in is at the summit of Owl Creek pass, which is literally only a few minutes further up the road from Deb’s Meadow. Follow the road until you reach the summit sign for Owl Creek Pass and turn into the little loop, which also has a port-a-potty. You’ll see the Sleeping Rock immediately and will be shocked at how close it is to the road! In the movie, the way it’s framed, of course looks like it’s in the middle of nowhere, but the rock is literally feet away from the road! The smaller rock that the Duke leaned against while drinking coffee is also located right next to the Sleeping Rock (GPS: lat=38° 9’28.25″N, lon=107°33’43.94″W).
The Hanging Scene
True Grit’s Hanging Scene was filmed in Ridgway’s Town Park, also know as Hartwell Park. It is right downtown and you can’t miss it. It’s a great place for a picnic and they often have concert series there during the summer and fall. To find the park, simply turn off Highway 550 into downtown and it will be on your right, off Lena Street. Also, when you turn off to head downtown, turn in to your left and you’ll see the old Paddy Wagon from the beginning of the movie, when the Duke was bringing in prisoners. It’s parked there near the highway and downtown.
If you walk around the park, you will see the famous old trees used in the scene. The beautiful red building with the steeple is on the back end of the park, just down the road from True Grit Cafe (a must-see, great food). That red building is the old firehouse. Also, take time to look at the building to the left of the True Grit Cafe, and notice it is the Fort Smith Saloon, also used in the movie.
The True Grit Cafe is filled with True Grit and John Wayne memorabilia and has a great menu. Visit their web site and be sure to notice the wall to the left as soon as you enter. You’ll see the Chambers Grocery Store sign still painted on the wall, the same one used in the movie when Duke pulls up with the Paddy Wagon. There’s lots to look at and you can also purchase True Grit memorabilia from their store.
Chen Lee’s and Other Town Scenes
Chen Lee’s place is on Clinton Street in Ridgway. From the True Grit Cafe, just walk down the boardwalk next to the street, pass the Firehouse and turn left on Clinton Street. You’ll see a Natural Grocer’s across the street, this was a building that was shown behind John Wayne and Kim Darby when they were talking in the street. If you continue up Clinton Street, on the left side you’ll see a building that was part of the front of Chen’s. It’s the door Rooster and Mattie walk through to go into Chen’s.
Some of the scenes that showed Rooster in court were shot in the Ouray County Courthouse, and some of the courthouse scenes were built sets. I did find the staircase that Mattie chased Rooster on, and it was indeed in the Ouray County Courthouse. From Ridgway, take Highway 550 10 miles to Ouray. The courthouse is on the left side of the main street. Turn left on 6th street, then turn right onto 4th street and the courthouse will be on your left. If you go inside, the staircase is on your right.
Other Scenes
The snakepit scene is located on Camp Bird Road outside Ouray (as you’re leaving town and heading toward Silverton on the Million Dollar Highway, you’ll see the sign for Camp Bird Road, just take a right). Camp Bird takes you to beautiful Yankee Boy Basin and is worth the trip alone for that. You can’t reach the snakepit scene, unfortunately.
The ferry scenes were filmed over at Blue Mesa Reservoir, which is between Montrose and Gunnison. The actual locations are now under water, but you can see the rocky cliffs that were shown in the movie.
When in doubt, please visit the Ridgway Chamber of Commerce, which is located on the left side of the road when you enter downtown Ridgway. They have True Grit DVDs for sale and also offer some directions to various True Grit related areas…but I have to admit, I believe my compilation is more comprehensive!
The most amazing time of year to visit these locations is the last week of September. The aspens are at their peak colors and are simply stunning. On your way from Ridgway to Last Dollar Road and Horsefly Mesa, you have to stop at the Dallas Divide, a very picturesque area that shows the San Juan Mountains in all their autumn glory. Another great time to visit is mid-July, when the wildflowers are blazing. The San Juan Mountains played a vital role in the movie for good reason: they are one of the most beautiful places on earth!
Have fun! Long Live the Duke!
Aw, that’s too bad about the porches coming off. Wondering what buildings you found up on the Mesa? Where McAllisters was? I’m intrigued.
Marion Z, I’m still traveling, Yes shame about the porches- the debris from them is still on the property. I think you have my email, If I can figure out how to get them to you I will sort out my photos and info and send to you next week.
Watched the original True Grit this afternoon – dont think I have seen it for over 40 years – I remember reading the book when I was in my 20s. loved the film; John Wayne at his very best. I began wondering where it was filmed and found this website – so thanks much for the then and now.
Hello and thank you for a very interesting blog regarding True Grit. I am blessed to have been coming to Ouray for many many years. I am fortunate enough to have been able to visit the snake pit also. The road is now blocked but you can hike to the snake pit scene.
Thanks for all the information and location sites.
Amazing! Thank you!
As we watch True Grit on Christmas evening, I decide to “google” where the movie was filmed. Delighted to see it was filmed at Ridgeway. My husband and I vacationed in the San Juan Mts. In sept/oct 2013. Stayed on Hwy 550 between Durango and Silverton. Didn’t plan on going above Ouray but a hiker along the way suggested we go on to Ridgeway. We took a lunch and drove up there. Ate at the park with no idea what the old buildings were about. Without a doubt, we’ll be going back to see some of these sites! Thanks so much for sharing your findings of these locations!
Thank you so much for doing all of this. The Youtube video is excellent and quite informative. Only one sequence seems to be missing. Did you ever find the location where they filmed the ‘dugout’ scene where the trio capture and interrogate Quincy and Moon? Thanks for any help you can provide
Hello and thank you! I believe that scene was shot in California.
Thanks for your comment! Glad you enjoyed the video.
There was a scene shot in Castle Rock. I live in CR and would like to know exactly where it is.
I hadn’t heard that, Gary.
We lived in ridgeway and Montrose. We both worked at the local motel the cast stayed in during filming, including John Wayne. We are going out there in July for a vacation and excited to visit the scenes!
Thanks so much for this thorough compilation of the sites! I too am a big fan of the movie and the Owl Creek Pass area! I’ve been visiting that area near every year for 25 years! One location that I found was the scene where Mattie shoots Ned Pepper. There is am improved road near the creek in the background. I believe that is the West Fork road and West Fork of the Cimarron River, just around the corner from Owl Creek Pass.
If you like the fall colors from that area, please visit my photograhy web site. It is filled with great shots from that area – late Sept. and early October! You’ll know me….I am the one with the yellow tent (actually, the only tent!).
Thanks again for the great video!
Steve “Grizz”
I have been several times to the snake bite scene. There are still fiberglass “boulders” at the location in addition to some cool buildings.
Didn’t think the meadow shoot out scene where Rooster took on Lucky Ned and the boys could be more exciting. Then I went to the meadow myself. I watched the movie the next day and got shivers because I had stood on that hallowed ground!! Awesome!!
Correct coordinates for the ranch. my mistake was I used the coordinates and forgot to keep driving to the fork. I decided coordinates were wrong and kept going and found just bit further.
Thank again for info and sharing
Ranch coordinates 38.0758411,-107.9354426'33.0%22N+107%C2%B056'07.6%22W/@38.0753493,-107.9360173,351m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d38.0758411!4d-107.9354426
What happened to the courthouse that was in the Ridgeway shots? Was it just a front?
In September of 1999 my family was on vacation. While passing thru Montrose, we stopped at a laundry mat. My wife struck up a conversation with a local who said that True Grit was shot not far from there, up around Owl Creek Pass. He mentioned that the meadow scene between John Wayne and Robert Duvall took place at Deb’s Meadow. He said that the location was recommended by Debbie Reynolds parents who lived in the area.
We decided to take a drive south from Montrose to find the location of Deb’s Meadow. Beautiful day. Cowboys were bringing cattle down from the high country for the winter. Was a fun side trip for our vacation.
Is there a route to reach the snake pit, or is it on private land.
Y’all left out the dugout shootout scene which has also been in North to Alaska and Nevada Smith. I think thats in Cali somewhere, a stream flowin’ outta the Sierras perhaps?
The work you did regarding the whole movie, photos and very interesting facts was wonderful to see. Thank you so much. I first watched the movie when I was 11 years old and bought the soundtrack. (MATTY’S Theme was my favorite). I grew up on the outskirts of Los Angeles, CA and I fell in love with Colorado from scenes in the movie. My family moved to Laguna Beach, CA, and after so many years getting sick of traffic jams and overall population explosion in southern California, I moved to Colorado. I just came back from a trip with my husband and son visiting Ridgeway, Ouray, and Million Dollar Hwy. I missed Camp Bird Rd going up that hwy. You gave such fantastic information, and I’m very excited! I live about 5-6 hours drive away from the scene locations in Rockvale, Colorado and try to make our vacation trip yearly to Lake City, CO, which is in the same vicinity. Watching the movie at 11 years old changed my life. There is no area more beautiful than the SW corner of Colorado. Thank you again!!! Lisa
I fell in love with Colorado at the age of 11 when I watched the movie in our local theater in Los Angeles. Later moving to Laguna Beach with my family, I soon couldn’t stand the traffic and population growth of S. California and moved to South Central Colorado in my 40’s. The locations of True Grit are only a few hours away, and try to visit when possible. Lake City is our vacation spot in th San Juan mountains with Ouray and Ridgeway nearby. Thank you so much.
Hi Lisa! Thanks for the comment. Glad you enjoyed the video. I don’t even know about the scene locations in Rockdale, Colorado. Which scenes?
Yes, I only showed the scenes I had access to here in Colorado.
It’s on private land.
That was the Courthouse in Ouray. I do think only interior shots were real.
The Chimney Rock and the small creek is a site also where “How the West Was Won” was filmed about 6-7 years earlier.
Great movie which I have been watching fifth time tonight. The shootout cabin was located on Hot Creek near Mammoth Lakes California where I worked on geothermal mapping. I been right there on Hot Creek soaking in the hot water with my wife and kid.
Great web site for my favorite movie which I watched again tonight for fifth time. The shootout cabin was on Hot Creek in the caldera at Mammoth Lake CA. Have camped with wife in the meadow below Chimney Rock at Owl Creek Pass where Duke shot it out with Ned gang.
Thanks so much for all of this. My husband and I live outside LA and we made a special trip last summer just to see all of this. Very much appreciated!!
.Hi, Me and and my family recently moved from Chicago to Denver and would like to know how far of a drive it is from Denver too Montrose Colorado? I love the movie True Grit and think it was one of John Wayne’s best movie. We are looking forward to seeing probably the best part of Colorado in the southwest part of the state. Thanks again for the directions and photos.
Hi! Montrose is about 4.5-5 hours from Colorado Springs, and Denver is 1 hour from Colorado Springs, so plan on 5.5-6.5 hours, depending on weather conditions 🙂 And I would whole-heartedly agree that the San Juan Mountains are the most beautiful part of Colorado!
Rhodes Stephens, my uncle, owned one of the sorrels with 4 white stockings- we called him Boots. Not sure which of the three or four horses used is Boots. I also rented my 3 year old sorrel quarter horse (Rusty) for the filming – think I was paid $150 for this – not sure. Uncle Rhodes aunt Ester Lewis owned a ranch neighboring what is now the Double RL – Ralph Lauren’s Ranch.
Is there anyone that you can hire to take you to these locations? If not they should. I would be one of their customers!
I have been a John Wayne fan my whole life being my dad gave me “Wayne” as a middle name because he was a Tom Mix and John Wayne fan. I was raised in Colorado with Cripple Creek and Black Hawk and Central City were places my father took my brothers and I to pan for gold back in the late 50’s early 60’s before everything was commercialized .. I am so glad to have grown up in Colorado with all the history and beauty of the state before the state became a commercialized cotton candy tourist attraction. I am a western purest and would like to be involved in making a OLD SCHOOL WESTERN FILM in Technicolor instead of digital and to have costumes that are period instead of modern day interpretation.. Instead of blood and guts , a true western film like they made back in the day with the Duke, Kirk Douglas, Gregory Peck, Allen Ladd, and others.. Today the western movies are not what, as a kid I went to the matinee movies and enjoyed.. Clint Eastwood is the last of the western traditionalist left in the film industry and when hes gone we’ll be left with producer/directors that dont have a true love or understanding for the Western code and the continuity of time period except what the wardrobe department ready made provides. I travel to Colorado but dont stay, its a much different state now but its hard to take the country out of the boy but will always have fond memories of growing up in Colorado camping, hunting, panning for gold and horse back rides with the family.. Times change but I haven’t let those times go and will take them to my grave and grateful for having the opportunity to have known a bit of a free spirit western up bringing and a love and respect for what the pilgrims carved out of this great nation.. Well keep your eyes on the horizon and your collar against the wind, Audios….
This is a great compilation – thanks!
Chimney Peak was also in “How the West Was Won” (1962), in one of the wagon train scenes.
Having visited Old Tucson Studios just outside of Tucson Arizona. Not only do they claim to have filmed parts of the movie in that old west town studio, but they actually show you parts of the movie that were filmed there.
Just thought you would like to know that someone is restoring the Mattie Ross ranch to a livable condition.
I had no idea, that’s amazing. Thanks for letting me know.
I’ve been watching your video and sharing it for years and then this post after I discovered it, yet, I didn’t think to tell you about the Ridgway Old West Fest we had a couple weekends ago celebrating 50 years since True Grit was released and the filming, ranching, and railroad history of Ridgway. Did you happen to hear about and attend it? If not, it is very likely there will be a 2nd annual Ridgway Old West Fest next year. In the meantime, you can check it out here or here
Thank you so much! I received an invitation due to my videos but was unable to attend that weekend, sadly. I hope I can go next year. Thank you so much for thinking to mention that to me, I appreciate it.
Awesome! My favorite movie and I have always thought of The Duke as one of a kind. A true American icon!
We just returned from a wonderful trip to the area. It was a blast. Since we were there in 2018 they have restored the Ross Ranch house. It looks so good. Your descriptions and pictures have helped us a ton. Thanks!
Duane Peterson
Bluffdale UT
I saw this movie when it first came out in 1969 I was 12 years old and I have loved it ever since I am watching it now. This movie will always be a western classic !
Thanks for taking the time and effort to put this together – and sharing it. It keeps the act of selfless sharing alive as well as keeping the good things of our past in our thoughts, may we strive to hold on to the values of the decades passed.
Like Mattie, I’m from near Dardanelle in Yell County. No foolin’ A lifelong friend, also from Yell County accompanied me to Ridgway in September 2021 to visit several of the filming locations. It was great fun finding them. Thank you for the effort it took to create this page.
Great to hear someone is restoring the Mattie Ross Ranch. It was badly needed. I crossed over the fence to get “the” shot of the opening scene to the movie. Unfortunately, I was so excited to be there I stayed a bit too long. Unfortunately the property owner spotted me. Came out to greet me with a not too friendly words. Told me to leave and never come back. Oh well, at least I got my pics. Some have mentioned the dugout scene and yes it was filmed at Hot Creek, CA. I wore myself out looking for that spot in SW Colorado before I finally learned it was 13 hours and 800 miles to the west. This caused much clinching and gnashing of teeth when I realized I had been to that very area years ago but hadn’t realized that was where the dugot scene had been filmed. Also, later learned Nevada Smith and North to Alaska had been filmed there as well. I initially thought True Girt had been filmed entirely in Colorado.
Lastly, I learned the indoor courthouse scenes were filmed in Ouray, CO. I’d also been to Ouray many, many times without knowing this. I finally made a trip back to Ouray to get my pics of the courthouse. In the movie, When Mattie and Yarnell went the front door of the courthouse that was supposedly the courthouse in Ouray, but you could clearly see the view out the front door the hanging scene at Ridgeway. How did they pull that off?